
Join us and be part of a community dedicated to advancing the future of life sciences in Oklahoma.

Becoming a member of Life Science Oklahoma offers you access to discounts purchasing programs, exclusive networking opportunities, membership rates for all your employees to LSOK events, job postings on our board and more. Join us and be part of a community dedicated to advancing the future of life sciences in Oklahoma. Welcome to the team!

Each year, we offer our members and friends a way to support the life sciences industry in Oklahoma, while simultaneously receiving an even broader range of brand exposure. Help us to continue delivering value to Oklahoma’s growing life sciences industry through our annual sponsorship packages. We are thankful to continuously receive generous support through sponsorships and grants from corporations and community partners.

Read more about our membership levels.

Fill out a membership application today!

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OKBio (the predecessor to LSOK) members saved more than $3.5 million through Bio Business Solutions participation.

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Certain membership levels come with leadership opportunities that will help shape the future of our industry in Oklahoma.

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We unite Oklahoma’s life science community through conferences, panel discussions, social events, and tailored programs that meet your needs. Members get a special rate for all their employees for LSOK events.

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Your LSOK membership unlocks the exclusive Oklahoma Life Science Membership Directory—a valuable resource providing contact details for thousands of professionals in the state’s life sciences community.

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Membership gives you access to post your open positions on the LSOK job board (coming soon).

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